What Are We Searching For? Anthropological and Archaeological Research in the Pacific Northwest


What Are We Searching For? Anthropological and Archaeological Research in the Pacific Northwest


The twelve essays published provide insight into the types of research that are ongoing across the Northwest. The collection suggests a healthy balance of research touching on ethnography, linguistics, prehistory, ethnobotany, history, experimental, method, and theory. The collection includes cases from the earliest inhabitants (10,000+ years ago) at the Lind Coulee rock shelter, ethnohistoric groups in the Cascades, and the impact of amenity migration on farmers and ranchers living in Teton Valley, Idaho, today.

Some authors comment on research that was conducted decades ago, others describe research being conducted today, and still others detail the research they hope to pursue, or have others pursue, in the future.

In alignment with JONA’s mission to stimulate and facilitate research, an open access e-copy of Special Publication #7 is available on our website. Printed copies are available for cost of printing and shipping.

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